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This first level of accreditation is open to all full-time or part-time students (age 18+ years of age) studying on a tertiary level course in any creative subject at a recognised academic institution anywhere in the world.  This can include, for example, Certificate, Diploma or Degree courses at an art school, college, technical institute or university.  Newly-qualified students who completed their course within the last two years should also apply for this grade of accreditation.


Application to gain Diploma Accreditation (DipSIAD) is by submission of an Application Form, a portfolio (sent as digital files) of 10 examples of your work.  Details of how to send your DipSIAD electronic portfolio are provided in Section D of the application form.  Your digital portfolio files will be used to showcase your work on the SIAD website and social media streams.


Application for Diploma Accreditation costs £50 (€50 / US$50).  When your accreditation is confirmed, you will be sent your Accreditation Certificate.  You will then be entitled to use the letters DipSIAD after your name with immediate effect and continue to do so while holding such accreditation.  Thereafter, the annual subscription fee to maintain your accreditation is £50 (€50 / US$50) invoiced in April each year.

Gaining SIAD Diploma Accreditation will help to demonstrate to potential employers or future clients that you are serious about your creative ambition and your commitment to Continual Professional Development (CPD).

Two years after completing your course, you must apply to become an Accredited Master of SIAD.

To apply for Diploma Accreditation (DipSIAD) follow these five simple steps ...


  1. Request a copy of the Application Form by email via our Contact page.

  2. Completed the Application Form.

  3. Pay the £50 (€50 / US$50) application fee by clicking on the PayPal "Buy Now" link below.

  4. Save a copy of your PayPal payment confirmation to your computer.

  5. Send a copy of your completed Application Form, 10 examples of your current work and a copy of your PayPal payment confirmation by attaching them to this email >>

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